import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { Toaster } from '@brainstormforce/starter-templates-components'; import Button from '../../../../components/button/button'; import { useStateValue } from '../../../../store/store'; import PreviousStepLink from '../../../../components/util/previous-step-link/index'; import ICONS from '../../../../../icons'; import { checkRequiredPlugins, getDemo, } from '../../../import-site/import-utils'; const { restNonce } = starterTemplates; const LicenseValidationControls = () => { const storedState = useStateValue(); const [ { templateId, templateResponse, currentCustomizeIndex, importError, currentIndex, validateLicenseStatus, }, dispatch, ] = storedState; const [ error, setError ] = useState( '' ); const [ processing, setProcessing ] = useState( false ); const [ licenseKey, setLicenseKey ] = useState( '' ); const premiumTemplate = false; // Start the pre import process. useEffect( () => { if ( importError ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex + 2, // Skip 2 steps. } ); } }, [ importError ] ); const validateKey = () => { if ( licenseKey === '' ) { setError( __( 'Please Enter License Key', 'astra-sites' ) ); return; } setProcessing( true ); apiFetch.use( apiFetch.createNonceMiddleware( restNonce ) ); apiFetch( { path: '/bsf-core/v1/license/activate', method: 'POST', data: { 'license-key': licenseKey, 'product-id': 'astra-pro-sites', }, } ).then( async ( response ) => { if ( response.success ) { await getDemo( templateId, storedState ); await checkRequiredPlugins( storedState ); dispatch( { type: 'set', licenseStatus: true, currentIndex: currentIndex + 1, } ); } else { setError( response.message ); } setProcessing( false ); } ); }; if ( premiumTemplate && '' !== astraSitesVars.license_page_builder && templateResponse[ 'astra-site-page-builder' ] !== astraSitesVars.license_page_builder && 'brizy' !== templateResponse[ 'astra-site-page-builder' ] && 'gutenberg' !== templateResponse[ 'astra-site-page-builder' ] ) { return

{ __( 'Not Valid License', 'astra-sites' ) }

; } const processingClass = processing ? 'processing' : ''; const supportLink = sprintf( //translators: %1$s Support page URL. __( ` Questions? Get in touch with our %1$ssupport team%2$s.`, 'astra-sites' ), ``, '' ); const lastStep = () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentCustomizeIndex: currentCustomizeIndex - 1, } ); }; const downloadLink = sprintf( //translators: %1$s Store page URL. __( `If you have purchased our Essential or Growth Bundle, please install the premium version of the plugin that you can %1$sdownload%2$s from our store.`, 'astra-sites' ), '', '' ); return ( <>

{ __( 'Already a customer?', 'astra-sites' ) }

{ validateLicenseStatus && (

{ __( 'If you have purchased our Essential or Growth Bundle, just enter your license key below to import this template.', 'astra-sites' ) }

) } { ! validateLicenseStatus && ( <>

{ __( 'Currently the free version is installed.', 'astra-sites' ) }

) }

{ validateLicenseStatus && (

{ setLicenseKey( ); setError( '' ); } } />
) } { __( 'Back', 'astra-sites' ) } { error && ! processing && ( ) } ); }; export default LicenseValidationControls;